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About the creators

Dr Megan Jarman

Dr Megan Jarman Dr Jarman is a public health nutritionist, and lecturer in psychology at Aston University. Her expertise is in evaluating influences on the diet quality of preschool children. Her research has always crossed the disciplines of nutrition and psychology, recognising that addressing 'what' children eat lies in understanding 'why' children eat what they eat! Her most recent fellowship (AXA Research Fund), paved the way for combining established methods for analysing complex systems from computer science (participatory simulation and agent-based modelling) to better understand the complexity of drivers of diet quality in young children.

Professor Jackie Blissett

Professor Jackie Blissett Professor Blissett is a developmental psychologist whose research focuses on the interactions between biological, affective and cognitive factors of parents and their children, and their home, community and cultural environments, which are related to feeding and eating behaviours and problems. Her work focuses on selective eating, fruit and vegetable consumption, emotional eating and obesity.

Dr Maria Chli

Dr Maria Chli Dr Maria Chli is a Reader in Computer Science at Aston University. She has been leading research in intelligent agents and multi-agent systems for over 15 years. Her core interests are simulating complex systems and optimising them through coupling multi-agent systems techniques with machine and deep learning.

Beautiful Canoe

Beautiful Canoe Beautiful Canoe is Aston University's student-powered software development company.

Beautiful Canoe grew out of Aston University's Computer Science department, creating bespoke software as a means of giving our students a competitive edge by enhancing their theoretical knowledge with practical and employability skills.

We specialise in supporting the digital sector or those companies with digital needs that do not have the necessary in-house expertise.

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AXA Research Fund Aston University Beautiful Canoe